Pockets (Poetry)


By Kristina Blasen

Mama does the laundry and what does she find?


What’s a snip you ask? Why, it’s little bits of this and that – all the things you find in little girls’ and little boys’ pockets.

No so many years ago, brother’s pockets held Lego bits, little black tires with no car attached, rubber bands to launch stuff with, pennies, paper bits, chewing gum and blue Bic pens that sure do make a mess when mama washes them.

Luckily, I don’t think she ever did find any snails, or puppy dog’s tails (like the old rhyme says), but once she found a worm in a pocket full of dirt and it was still alive! Eww! Boy was she mad…once she stopped screeching! She touched it! It wiggled!

Little sister has pockets in her pants and dresses…when she was a baby they held lint and Cheerios…but now there’s little pink bows, teeny-tiny baby dolls, pocket pets and delicate tea cups with rock hard sugar stuck to the bottom.

What’s in your pockets?

* My children’s poems, Screech! and Pockets will be included in The Indie Collaboration Spring anthology “Snips, Snails and Puppy Dog Tales” due out April 2014.*

Published by organicconversion

I'm a writer, author, and artist. I have a book blog and art share here on WordPress!

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