Read Kiss and Tales 2 For Free!

Read Kiss and Tales 2 for FREE via Smashwords @ The Indie Collaboration released the eighth entry into their unique anthology series in February 2015. This anthology, Kiss and Tales 2: A Romantic Collection, is a collection of free original romantic tales brought to you by a group of independent authors who call themselvesContinue reading “Read Kiss and Tales 2 For Free!”

James Gordon a.k.a. Greatest Poet Alive (Author Interview)

James Gordon a.k.a. Greatest Poet Alive (Author Interview) G.P.A. (Greatest Poet Alive) is the author of five books of poetry (The Confessional Heart of a Man, The Book of 24 Orgasms, The Mind of a Poetic Unsub, Revenge of the Orgasm, and Revenge of the Orgasm (Soaking Wet Edition). He has contributed to several anthologiesContinue reading “James Gordon a.k.a. Greatest Poet Alive (Author Interview)”